Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Is Ground Meat Processed Food, Nicotine Adverse Effects, Lifting With Slipped Disk | THRR091

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1. Peptide uptake orally [12:50]

Andreas says:

Dear both.

First of all thank you both for all that you do. I am very grateful for you weekly courage, «sticking your neck out there», sharing your take on life while crushing main stream «dogma”. Love it, great job – please keep it up.

Now, could you please help me understand how all the so called beneficial peptides in animal foods ends up in the human body to deliver any biological function?

The human digestion system is very good at breaking down peptide sequences long before they reach their  destination to give any biological function (both spontaneously, non-enzymatically, like stomach acid, and enzymatically by peptidase etc.).

Now days, I am experimenting using my chicken eggs as a “delivery vessel” by which I deliver non palatable but highly nutrient dense organ foods to my family indirectly by actively changing the egg nutrient profile(or so I think). The chickens free range and get plenty of sunshine in the summer, eat bugs, greens, wild herbs and berries, while I occasionally feed them organ meats(primarily beef liver and heart), beef tallow etc. They get no plant oils, soy and so on. They love the organ meat and look/act very healthy. I know the fatty acid profile of the eggs will change to a higher percent of for example steric acid (based on research literature), but not sure about the other vitamins, minerals and peptides from their diet actually ends up in the eggs – and so is passed on to my wife and kids. I have no problems eating meats like liver and heart, but they will not touch it, let alone eat it. But they absolutely LOVE my dishes that I preparer from those eggs (like carnivore waffles etc.).

But if humans (or chickens) do not absorb many of these nutrients, peptides in a biological active form and increase the nutritional profile of the eggs, well, then the story ends there. A little bit like some expensive skin care products that my wife uses, that proclaim the price I justified with added water soluble vitamins that should be so healthy, but will not ba absorbed unless you eat the damn thing..



2. Non-carb processed food, issues? [18:10]

Mike says:

Hi, can’t explain how important you guys have been in my life over the past 12ish years. I’ve listened to EVERYTHING and implemented SOME (realistically a lot, although I don’t really have any health / nutrition / digestive issues so it’s more of a favorite-subject/interest of mine than a dire need to make sweeping changes sort of thing).


I know ‘processed’ foods are worse for us for a number of reasons and that there are different levels of processing (highly processed factory food, steak vs ground meat, blending mainly unprocessed foods to make a smoothie, etc) but my question is, are these processed foods ever better for us than the unprocessed? …or maybe equivalent, mainly when it comes to processed fat/protein. I’ve wondered for a while, if a quality liverwurst, from USwellness for example, might be an ideal food, despite the baggage it carries along with it ‘processed meat’. THE DEVIL! But let’s be realistic here. My understanding of this product is that it’s a nose to tail tube of goodness, from a healthy animal, all slapped together, with some spices. All good right? Is there any benefit or detriment to this sort of thing? Does the protein/fat being digested more quickly than if I chewed the component parts individually, really matter?? I know processed sugar becomes a blood sugar issue, but does processed fat/protein have a similar corollary??


Side note, I know you always say chew your food and I think this mostly refers to people who have weight control issues and need the chewing/eating/fullness slowdown to moderate their intake. Clearly this is probably one way to answer the above question but is there anything else??

PS: I’ve often thought of getting a tattoo of the fraction 1/6 somewhere, to signify I was one of six listeners, with the added benefit that nobody else would know why the hell I had it!! Thanks… hopefully this shoots to the healthy rebellion e-mail… couldn’t figure out how to ask a question to the new poddy. I joined the rebellion for a month last year and it’s great and all but I just realllllllly don’t like social media. (It’s not you it’s me )

3. Lifting With a Slipped Disk [29:06]

Trystan says:

Robb and Nicki,

Love the podcast!

I’ll make this short – my wife has had an operation on her back due to a slipped disk, but she’s curious to start lifting.

What do you guys think? I’m no expert, however it does seem a bit risky. That being said she knows her body and what her back can take more than anyone…

Would love to hear your advice on whether lifting with slipped disks could be beneficial or downright dangerous.

All the best, and keep up the good work.

4. Cluster Dextrin [40:43]

Jackson says:

I would love to hear your opinion on this! Thanks

5. Nicotine Adverse Effects? [42:45]

Garrett says:

Hi Robb & Nikki,

‘Been around since the Paleo Solution podcast days, so while I’m not an OG-6 listener, OG-20 is not out of the question.

I heard a Q&A episode a while back where a listener asked about the caffeine-nicotine protocol you suggested for special forces, or anyone working odd hours / graveyard shifts to stay moderately alert while still being able to unwind at the end of the day. In a similar vein, on a recent Huberman Lab episode he mentioned the potential benefits of Nicotine in treating Alzheimer’s disease. I believe it is universally agreed upon Nicotine is a nootropic / cognitive enhancer.

Now to my question – I’m Swedish, and we have quite the ‘snus-culture’ over there, our spin of dry snuff (tobacco pouches, but without the spitting you see with American dip). I’ve gravitated towards this as an alternative to drinking, and I should note I’ve moved to the tobacco free versions containing only nicotine (Zyn is a brand that is making it’s ways in the U.S.). However, one can’t really drink on the job, whereas the only bad time for some snus is while eating and sleeping, leaving about 16 hours of consumption throughout the day.

Is there to your knowledge a ‘healthy’ range to stay within? In the U.S. they are sold in 3 and 6mg pouches, however the ‘good stuff’ I can get in Sweden goes all the way up to 20mg. According to a quick Google search, only 10-20% of the content is actually absorbed, meaning the dose “per hit” is up to 4mg. I could be on the high end consuming shy of 50mg per day some days. I’ve gladly taken in your and Andrew’s notes as a compelling argument that I’m functioning better cognitively while staving off Alzheimer’s disease, but I have a good feeling there’s another side of this story I should heavily consider as for all I know I’m doing damage equivalent to smoking a pack a day, just wrapped in different packaging with different side effects.

Appreciate all you do to keep us informed and entertained.



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