Do any of these sound familiar?

I’ll start my diet (again) on Monday.

I’m cutting out ALL sugar. No more sugar for me!

I’m going to hit my macros. Everyday. No excuses!
If you’re anything like the hundreds of women I’ve worked with over the past 7 years, you’ve likely said at least ONE of those things at least once (or maybe a dozen times!).
Getting and staying ‘on track’ can be hard.
And we make it even harder when we put harsh restrictions on ourselves.
When we go from eating whatever we want on Sunday to eating only 1200 calories on Monday, we’re setting ourselves up for a stumble.
When we go from enjoying food to cutting out every sweet thing we enjoy for forever, we’re setting ourselves up for frustration.
When we track every single thing and then beat ourselves up when we take an extra sip, lick a spoon, or taste just one bite of cake, we’re setting ourselves up for a setback.
You see, when we expect perfection, we often miss the mark. And when we miss the mark, we feel like we’ve failed. And when we feel like we failed, we beat ourselves up, tear ourselves down, then commit to doing it all over again.
It’s a vicious cycle.
Instead of going from 0 to 60 on Monday, cutting out all the foods you enjoy, or tracking your macros to the microgram, try this:
Diet starts never.
Balanced eating is a daily practice.
Perfection gets you nowhere.
Honestly, if what you’re doing is not something you can do day in and day out, week after week, month after month, year after year, it’s not going to work in the long term.
Fad diets are not sustainable.
Weekly food rollercoasters are not sustainable.
Beating yourself up when you’re not perfect is not sustainable.
Finding YOUR perfect balance is the key to living a healthy, happy life. And that is something that we ALL deserve!
Tell me, what is your number one struggle when it comes to finding balance, consistency, and sustainability?
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