Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

The Latest From My Feed
Urgency is detrimental to your results.⁠⁠
Rushing to get results by doing things that are unsustainable (or just plain dumb): ⁠⁠
▪not listening to your body ⁠⁠
▪cutting calories super low ⁠⁠
▪not taking rest days ⁠⁠
▪opting for hours of cardio over building muscle⁠⁠
▪hitting your protein goal but avoiding all carbs⁠⁠
▪drinking ‘detox’ shakes instead of eating actual meals ⁠⁠
▪failing to pay attention to your habits ⁠⁠
▪not being completely honest with yourself⁠⁠
After college, I gained 25 pounds.⁠⁠
Too many happy hours (beer and nachos were my go-to), not enough movement (40+ hours/week at my desk) quickly piled the pounds on.⁠⁠
I was desperate to get the extra weight off, so I went all in on an Atkins Diet. I ate blocks of cheese and deli meat, then spent hours on the elliptical and treadmill at the gym.⁠⁠
I lost weight, but I gained it ALL back, plus some!⁠⁠
It wasn’t until I took a more long-term, personalized, and realistic approach to losing weight (aka tracking macros) that the weight finally came off and stayed off.⁠⁠
If you want to reach your goal and actually be able to enjoy your accomplishments rather than falling off the wagon and reverting back to where you were, you’ve got to be consistent, and patient.⁠⁠
I recommend creating mini-milestones within your bigger goal to help you stay motivated. Each time you hit a milestone, be intentional about acknowledging and celebrating it.⁠⁠
This can help you feel more satisfied with your progress and more inclined to keep up the good work.⁠⁠
Throw away the timeline and listen to your body. Rushing the process never works.⁠⁠
Trust me on that! ⁠⁠
Answer this: Why are we all in such a rush? ⁠⁠
#macrotracking #macrocoach #trackingmacros #macrodiet #macrodieting #fatlosscoach #fdnp⁠⁠

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