“You can’t stop the rain, but you can close the windows.”
There are some things that are completely and totally out of your control.
The weather, the slow driver in front of you, the line at the DMV…
But what is within your control?
Your response to these uncontrollable things.
For me, it’s my Ulcerative Colitis and chronic illness/autoimmune disease.
Like with other autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses, I can’t necessarily control having them and sometimes, despite doing all the ‘right’ things, I can’t even control the symptoms or flare ups but what I can control is my response to it.
I can choose to let it get me down, make me angry, cause me to feel sorry for myself, and make me isolate myself from others, or I can choose to learn as much as I can, follow the recommended protocols, take care of myself, love my family and friends, and advocate for myself and others like me who need a voice.
I can’t stop the rain, but I can close the windows.
I can choose happiness, I can choose positivity, I can choose to do what I can to keep myself healthy and sane.
If you’re facing an uphill battle, know that you have more control than you think you do.
Get informed.
Follow sound advice.
Care for your body.
You can’t stop the rain, but you can close the windows.#ulcerativecolitis #ibdvisible #ibdawareness #ibdwarrior
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