Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Why do we try to change how we LOOK, rather than how we FEEL?⁠⁠

A silly photo for a serious post… ⁠⁠
Why do we try to change how we LOOK, rather than how we FEEL?⁠⁠
Why do we spend so much time on the outside looking in, rather than loving who we are from the inside out?⁠⁠🤷🏻‍♀️
✨It’s as if we feel good about ourselves only through the lens of how we think others experience us.⁠⁠✨
Myself included!⁠⁠
As a blogger/influencer, I used to spend so much time worried about what others thought of me. I was a people pleaser. I would rush to respond, say yes to things I probably should’ve said no to, the list goes on.⁠⁠
I wanted everyone to like me, and I was so focused on that, I didn’t realize how unhappy I was making myself in the process.⁠⁠
I was NOT living my best life.⁠⁠
A few years ago, I made a decision that I had to choose the things that felt good to me. I couldn’t continue doing things out of fear that someone wouldn’t like me.⁠⁠ (I focused less on blogging and ‘influencing’ and more on coaching, functional testing, and creating programs.)
I had to truly understand and accept that the people who love me the most will stay by my side, no matter what, and that they want what’s best for me, even if that means saying no sometimes and leaving old projects in the past.
Are you busy living on the outside looking in?⁠⁠
Let’s flip the narrative and begin bringing more joy into our lives by living the way we know is best for us. Who’s with me?⁠⁠

The post Why do we try to change how we LOOK, rather than how we FEEL?⁠⁠ appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

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