Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Diet culture is garbage
Diet Culture is garbage. ⁠

There, I said it. And I’ll say it again.⁠


We’ve been conditioned to believe that we need to lose weight and we have to take extreme measures in order to do it. And that’s the ONLY way we will be successful.⁠

But let me tell you this: There are a hundred and one things you SHOULD be doing that Diet Culture will never tell you.⁠

Diet Culture Says: ⁠

Eat 1200 calories (or less!) a day⁠
Hit your macros⁠
Cut your carbs⁠
Try intermittent fasting⁠
Do high-intensity cardio⁠
Don’t eat sugar. Ever.⁠

But what ACTUALLY works (because it’s safe & sustainable) is: ⁠

Eating whole foods⁠
Managing stress⁠
Being mindful⁠
Getting in daily movement⁠

That last one? Patience? ⁠

Never EVER on the Diet Culture list of things to do. And it may actually be one of the most important ones.⁠

Nothing sustainable happens overnight. If it’s not sustainable, it’s not attainable.⁠

Let’s call out Diet Culture for the garbage that it is and instead choose activities that favor sustainability. Who’s with me?⁠

#macrocoach #macrocounting #macrotracking #fatlosscoach #metabolism #weightlosscoach #womenwhoeat #trackingmacros #countingmacros #nutritioncoach #fdn #fdnp #fatloss #metabolism #reversediet #reversedieting #healthyeating #macrodiet #macrodieting #macrolifestyle #weightlossjourney #flexibledieting #flexiblediet #onlinecoaching #weightlosscoaching #nutritioncoaching #dietculture⁠

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