Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

The Latest From My Feed
Macros are NOT magic.⁠⁠
Sorry to say it but tracking macros alone will NOT get you to your results. So many clients come to us thinking that there’s some sort of ‘macro magic’ and that if they just track and track, they’ll drop the weight no problem.⁠⁠
It’s more than that though.⁠⁠
We can give you the numbers, sure! But you’ve got to DO THE WORK.⁠⁠
The mindset work.⁠⁠
The nutrition work.⁠⁠
The physical work.⁠⁠
As your coach, we’ll guide you, but it’s a 2-way conversation and you’ve got to be accountable to YOURSELF. In order to see results, you’ve got to take ownership and responsibility for your actions. ⁠⁠
At the end of the day, you live with the consequences of your decisions.⁠⁠
So, want to know what’s ACTUALLY magic?⁠⁠
Sleeping 8+ hours per night⁠⁠
Hitting your fiber goal⁠⁠
Lifting heavy (for you) weights⁠⁠
Drinking ½ your body weight in water daily⁠⁠
Not being overly stressed by workouts, home, or relationships⁠⁠
Keeping your blood sugar balanced⁠⁠
Ultimately, you’re the voice for your body. Macros are a tool. You are the magician!⁠⁠
#fatlosscoach #fatloss #macrofriendly #macrofriendlyrecipes #metabolism #countingmacros #macrolifestyle #weightlossjourney #macromagic #macroish⁠ #macrocoach #macrocounting #macrotracking #fatlosscoach #metabolism #weightlosscoach #womenwhoeat #nutritioncoach #metabolism #reversediet #reversedieting #healthyeating #macrodiet #macrolifestyle #weightlossjourney #flexibledieting #flexiblediet #onlinecoaching #weightlosscoaching #nutritioncoaching

The post The Latest From My Feed appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

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