Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

The Latest From My Feed
Not making a decision…⁠⁠
…is still making a decision.⁠⁠
2020 was rough. We all know that.⁠⁠
And it looks like 2021 might not pan out to be the banner year we were all hoping for either.⁠⁠
And so what?⁠⁠
So what if last year sucked and this year feels a little heavy too?⁠⁠
So what?⁠⁠
Burying your head in the sand and saying, “I’ll just sit this one out” while waiting for inspiration and motivation to magically strike is not going to solve anything.⁠⁠
If anything, it’ll just make things worse. ⁠⁠
Make the decision that today, you’ll take action.⁠⁠
Today you’ll get up, get moving, eat better, and live life to its fullest. Then make that same decision again and again, every single day.⁠⁠
Make a decision to do something to improve your health and improved health will follow.⁠⁠
Registration for the Macro Movement Mentorship closes tomorrow. Please don’t wish you had signed up! ⁠⁠

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The post The Latest From My Feed appeared first on Carrots 'N' Cake.

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