Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Weekly Link Love – Edition 105

Research of the Week

Ramadan fasting appears to lower cancer markers and improve metabolic health (albeit from baseline, not compared to a control group).

The genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs.

Exercising and eating better improve physical and cognitive health in Air Force airmen.

Baka hunter-gatherers of Cameroon use at least 88 plant species for food or medicine.

Among the Turkana, being born in an urban area predicts poor adult health.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 454: Ede Fox: Host Elle Russ welcomes Ede Fox to talk about the black carnivore community.

Primal Health Coach Radio Episode 82: Laura and Erin chat with Lois Weinblatt about the power of visioning.

Media, Schmedia

In one study, more than 80% of those hospitalized for COVID-19 were deficient in vitamin D.

Rural life is not a panacea.

Interesting Blog Posts

Very interesting case study of type 2 diabetes remission and cure.

The push to restore caribou herds for indigenous Canadians.

Social Notes

Tsar Nicholas II certainly didn’t skip back day.

Tell me more about this “mismatch theory.”


Everything Else

I love old studies.

“…we find evidence that marriage duration is inversely associated with spending on the engagement ring and wedding ceremony.”

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Of course there is: Insufficient evidence to recommend low-sodium diets.

I am surprised: Nutritionists call for USDA to lift limit on saturated fat intake.

Is anyone surprised?: CRISPR gene editing of human embryos is not without risk.

Funny how that works: Low-carb diets high in meat lower serum uric acid.

Important question: Why does strength training improve endurance performance?

Question I’m Asking

Is the tide turning on saturated fat, salt, and other related bugaboos?

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Oct 23 – Oct 29)

Comment of the Week

“‘Could cold water trigger shrinkages’ was 100% intentional, and I love it.”

-Whatever do you mean, Nathan?

The post Weekly Link Love – Edition 105 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

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