Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Weekly Link Love – Edition 83

Research of the Week

Diabetic patients taking metformin had lower coronavirus mortality than diabetic patients not taking it.

Increased cardiovascular disease in African-Americans with Covid-19.”

Unsaturated fat intake and deficiencies in calcium and albumin linked to higher coronavirus mortality.

Financial relationships between the leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry are extensive…”

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 425: Robert Glazer: Host Elle Russ chats with Robert Glazer, founder and CEO of the global performance marketing agency Acceleration Partners.

Primal Health Coach Radio, Episode 62: Laura and Erin talk with Dr. Jade Teta about metabolism and hormones.

Media, Schmedia

Women are not just men with “boobs and tubes.”

Who’s still getting sick in New York?

Interesting Blog Posts

The case for red meat.

Social Notes

Astronaut breakfast.

How to slow down time (seriously).

Everything Else

The human voice contains information about dynamic bodily states.”

ApoE4 gene predicts severity of coronavirus infection (in the UK).

A beautiful video about traditional wool clothing. Best part is how they “shear” the sheep without cutting the wool. Looks so satisfying.

Making CBD from orange peels.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Fascinating article: How loners help species survive.

Interesting result with big implications for hunger: High-carb meal results in initial increase in available energy followed by a drastic crash.

Great turn of phrase: Fructoholism.

Fact I was unaware of: Mice and many other animal models used in studies do not depend on vitamin D for their innate immune circuitry.

My favorite paradox: High-fat dairy linked to better health, again.

Question I’m Asking

How much nature are you getting these days? (get some)

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (May 24 – May 30)

Comment of the Week

“A note about sunglasses: Some folks should be wearing them. For instance, a lot of the fisherman in native tribes would go blind at a fairly early age from staring into the water for long periods of time. The Eskimos had really cool bone sunglasses, with little slits they would use, so they would not go snowblind. After my own daily sun exposure, I’m not averse to putting on my shades.”

– Nicely said, Nocona.

The post Weekly Link Love – Edition 83 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

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