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It’s time to learn what separates those who successfully lose weight (and keep it off) with those who don’t.
Getting in shape is tough stuff, so how exactly do people achieve sustainable weight loss?
This isn’t a rhetorical question, we actually know the answer!
We help folks lose weight as part of our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program, and today we’re going to share with you the keys to success.
Here are The 10 Key Differences Between Weight Loss Success and Failure:
It’s a lot to cover, so let’s jump right in!
Your mom was right: you are a unique snowflake.
That means there are a ton of things that affect why you’ve gained weight over the past decade(s) and why you struggle to lose it:
All of these things play a factor in what you look like and how healthy you are. Despite these various factors, I’ve seen a common thread in people who build healthy habits and stick with them:
A Groot Mindset.
Let’s get nerdy for a second (you’re reading Nerd Fitness after all). I assume you’re familiar with Groot, the tree-like superhero from Guardians of the Galaxy. He can grow and change his shape to suit the situation.
He also only says, “I am Groot,” but that’s less applicable here.
Unhealthy Person: “I have a hectic job. My parents are overweight. I am busy. I have children. I have a slow metabolism. I’m never going to be able to lose weight. This plan won’t work for me because [excuse to let myself off the hook]. I’m the fat guy/gal and that’s all there is to it.”
Habit Building Badass: “I have a hectic job. My parents are overweight. I am busy. I have children. Soooo….How can I make this work for me in my situation? I know people like me have lost weight, which is a great sign. I refuse to accept that I am a lost cause. I am Groot.”
Even if it isn’t your fault where you are, if you can accept that it’s your personal responsibility to deal with it then you’re taking a huge first step.
We all have emotional, visceral responses to what we see in the mirror or how we feel when we wake up. We need to cut through the emotion and get to the truth: we alone are responsible for our fate, and that means we alone can fix it.
Like Groot, you can change and grow.
And dance.
You’ll learn that your excuses are moot – if busier, older, fatter, poorer, and more injured people than you can get in shape, you can too.
So, decide TODAY that this year that you are “a healthy, habit-building badass” and then simply do the things that perpetually healthy nerds do.
With each meal or each decision, ask yourself “what would a healthy person do?” And then do that.
The road to perpetual weight loss and healthiness is fraught with peril.
Even the best-laid plans and New Years Resolutions will end up in a ditch on the side of the road unless you have a damn good reason.
After all, life gets busy and it’s Taco Tuesday and a new video game just came out and your kid is sick and you just don’t feel like exercising and it’s cold. There will ALWAYS be something.
You will never NOT be busy.
That perseverance will from a damn good answer to the question: “Why?”
Not just “Because I need to lose weight,” but 2-3 levels deeper:
That’s the motivation and answer you need to be reminded of to persevere over the next few months.
If your answer is: “I’m here because my doctor/wife/husband thinks I should lose weight. I know I should exercise more and do more,” you are doomed. You will give up at the first sign of adversity.
Compare this to the raw, deep, honest answers we get from NF Coaching Clients when we ask about their “Big WHY”:
Why are you here? Why do you want to build healthy habits?
Is your reason for being here more important to you than cake? If it isn’t, you’re gonna give up at the first sign of adversity.
Write down your Great Big Why – and go deep, my friend. Way down. And ask yourself “Why?” to the answer of each of your questions until you get to the root of your reason for being here.
Once you write that answer down, hang it up somewhere you can see it every day: fridge, cubicle, bathroom mirror. Accept responsibility for your current situation, be compassionate that you’re in a tough spot, and then ALSO accept that you CAN change, and your identity can change with small wins that prove it.
Perpetually unhealthy people have a love/hate relationship with diets.
Mostly hate.
They go on diets all the time – especially in early January, and then they go off diets. And then they go on another diet. And then they find another diet that’s supposed to promise even faster, easier weight loss, so they switch to that one.
Unhealthy people get dieting wrong from the start, and this is what dooms them.
Unhealthy people go on a diet for a month or two, and they can’t wait to go back to “eating normally.”
The problem is that their “eating normally” is the reason why they’re overweight in the first place.
They go Keto for a month and have success, then fall off…then go Paleo for 6 weeks and lose 40 pounds, and then fall off…then they do a cleanse for 30 days and drop 2 pant sizes, and then fall off…
Temporary changes to one’s eating results in temporary results to one’s weight and physique.
Like an addict chasing the next high, somebody consistently has to chase the next diet because their normal eating is the problem in the first place!
And yup, dieting sucks.
Starvation, eliminating favorite foods, and trying to use willpower to avoid candy and sweets is a terrible strategy, so stop doing it.
No wonder people abandon diets as soon as they start them; they think, “If this is what it takes to be skinny, I’d rather stay fat and happy.”
This year, make a pledge to NOT go on a diet.
Instead, come to terms with this: “My concept of ‘normal eating’ is broken, which means that needs to change permanently in order for me to get healthy permanently.”
Think about that for a second.
If you “never get to be done” with your nutrition, and you can’t go back to how you were eating before, then the ONLY way permanent success happens is if you actually enjoy your new “normal.”
Stop going on diets!
No more diet pills, cleanses or crazy 30-day strategies.
Nothing you do can be temporary, or the results will be temporary.
Instead you are going to make deliberate, incremental permanent changes to your daily nutrition, slowly, over a period of many months.
Eat to line up with your goals.
If you are afraid of giving up something, don’t! Make the unhealthy foods more of a treat and less of a daily indulgence:
When you think about getting healthy this year, think in terms of days and years, not weeks and months:
Know that it took years for you to get to your current physique, and it’s going to take months if not years to correct it. This means you HAVE to enjoy the journey.
Once you accept that you never get to be “done,” you can start picking small adjustments or changes that won’t scare you away from adhering to your plan.
Did you know that when it comes to weight loss, your nutrition choices will account for 90% of your success or failure?
In the Nerd Fitness Rebellion, we refer to this as the “you can’t outrun your fork” rule.
Seriously. 90+ PERCENT of the equation.
Tattoo this on your forehead. Hire somebody to skywrite it above your home every day. Pay somebody to call you every morning and remind you of this fact.
Whatever it takes to get you to realize that changing your eating habits will be the fastest (and only) path to weight loss in 2020.
And it starts by educating yourself about your food.
Make a habit of knowing what’s in the food you eat!
Whether it’s portion control, calorie counting, tracking macros, or even keeping a food journal, it’s important to have a rough idea of the total calories and nutritional breakdown of the food you consume regularly.
After all, GI Joe tells us that “Knowing is half the battle!”
With each meal tracked, this habits adds up to knowing what needs to happen every day for you to get healthy.
Once you know how many calories you should be eating every day, you can start to make more informed decisions on foods that fill you up but are low in calories:
Spoiler alert: as we point out in our healthy eating guide, it’s healthy protein, fruits, veggies, and correct portions of healthy carbs.
Once you learn to read a nutrition label, you can start to avoid marketing hype and buzzwords and focus on the actual product!
For example, here are two different beverages:
Look at those two things above: one is a can of cola that you know is bad for you, the other is marketed as a “healthy beverage.”
Neither one is great for you, and the calories must be accounted for in your daily intake.
Having some fun, we decided to make this:
Don’t fall for the hype: read the label, count your calories, and break free of the Matrix!
Learn about the food you’re eating. You’re an adult, you can take 3 minutes and Google it.
Once you know the composition of your meals, you can start to make subtle adjustments or change quantities over time as you start to approach a healthier weight.
Be okay with “good enough” to start, and get more accurate as time goes on.
What’s that? You don’t know how to eat healthy? I got you, boo: “A beginner’s guide to healthy eating.”
For each food, learn the following:
Don’t overthink this: Write down what you eat every day for a week. If your weight isn’t changing, adjust down total calories and minimize sugar consumption and see how your weight changes.
Make small adjustments over time and see how your body responds.
Speaking of goals…
Perpetually unhealthy people say things like “I’m going to exercise more this year!”
Goals like this are cloudy with no real markers for success.
With no beacon guiding them, perpetually unhealthy people don’t know if they’re on track, and there’s no accountability if they don’t succeed. These goals get tossed in the abandoned pile next to goals like “I’m gonna start flossing!”
Compare this to what you’re going to do in 2020:
Let’s see this in action: “I want to lose X amount of weight by X date.”
With a very specific goal and a specific timeline, we can work backwards to calculate how much weight we need to lose each week to build that blueprint: our target weight.
Once you know where you want to be a year from now – you can then just focus on what you need to do TODAY.
EXAMPLE: I want to lose 50 pounds by December 31st, 2020.
Okay, if it’s January 1st, that’s roughly one pound per week. So then, what needs to happen each day to help us reach that goal? Let’s focus there.
Focusing on the habit (“today I’m going to drink only one soda instead of 3, and have one vegetable“) allows you to not get overwhelmed at the big picture.
In Minecraft terms, once you have the blueprints for a replica of Rivendell from Lord of the Rings, all you have to focus on is placing the next block in the right place. And then repeat!
Eventually, you’ll have Rivendell:
Here’s a real-life example of this block-placing mentality:
“My goal is to reach my goal weight of 150 pounds by December 1st, 2020, so I will eat one vegetable every day, and I will strength train for 30 minutes, two days per week. On other days, I’ll go for a 10 minute walk.”
What happens when you do this: you stop worrying about the outcome, and instead JUST focus on the habit you have to do today.
It allows you to very easily answer the question: “Yes I placed the block” or “no I did not place the block.”
Make sure you are picking a blueprint that you can build (it’s not TOO unrealistic), and keep things simple. A target weight loss goal of 1 pound per week is reasonable and sustainable. Remember that the focus should be on SUSTAINABLE progress – not “progress at any cost.”
Once you start reaching goals, you can create more complex plans.
Or in fantasy terms, after you finally slay the dragon, go find a bigger one!
Unhealthy people treat exercise as a miserable means to an end:
“I’ll exercise until I reach my goal weight and then I can stop this exercise stuff and go back to what I was doing before.”
Temporary changes, miserable strategy, temporary results… sound familiar?
They run on a treadmill because they think they should, but they hate it, and they never want to go back. Or they get dragged to a class with a friend and the class ruins fitness for them.
They do their best to build the habit, but they’re so unhappy and unexcited about the exercise that the habit never sticks. They only exercise until they reach a goal and then they stop. Ugh. Temporary changes = temporary results!
Look, here’s the truth: “exercise” sucks.
So you’re going to stop doing “exercise.”
I’ve heard from Nerd Fitness Clients time and time again: “I can’t believe it, but I actually look forward to exercising now. How did THAT happen?”
What’s going on here?
Because nutrition is 90% of the battle, building a habit of exercise and movement is more important than what specific type of exercise you choose.
Here are 40 ways to exercise without realizing it:
You don’t have to exercise in a way that you hate.
Pick the kind of exercise that makes you come alive. Don’t have that form of exercise yet? Try new things!
Especially the stuff that doesn’t feel like exercise.
Nutrition is 90% of the battle, so the exercise can be something that you enjoy, that reminds you to make better food choices so your efforts don’t go to waste.
Desperate to lose weight faster? In addition to fixing your nutrition, try temptation bundling to get you to go to the gym.
Have a specific physique in mind (six pack, toned arms, a better butt, broader chest, etc.)? Build the body you want and get hooked on improvement: “I can’t wait to go to the gym and find out how much stronger I got today compared to last week.”
You are a video game character increasing your strength attribute with each training session.
When it comes down to our health, we can invest in three ways:
Healthy habit-building badasses know this and prioritize accordingly: they know investing in their health is the best decision they can make for the long term. So they decide what’s the correct balance of time, effort, and money to use for that investment.
Your health is an investment, just like your net worth:
Either way, this is a months or years-long process that requires discipline! Every day you get a tiny bit better compounds upon the day before and builds you a big nest egg (read: a great physique) that will keep you wealthy (read: healthy) for decades and decades.
We’ve had thousands of people who read all the free content on Nerd Fitness for years with no results, because they never invested in themselves.
However the second they finally invested in themselves by hired a 1-on-1 coach, they took action and lost weight within months. The same is true for our self-paced course, The Nerd Fitness Academy or joined Rising Heroes (our monthly habit building adventure).
Because we VALUE what we pay for and invest in, making us more likely to actually do the damn thing. And we don’t value what we get for free or take for granted.
Unhealthy people don’t look at all of this stuff rationally – they complain about spending 99 cents on an iPhone app that could dramatically improve the quality of their life, and then gladly spend $6 on a sugary Starbucks beverage each morning without a second thought.
People email me all the time asking, “Why should I pay for a course when there is free information online?”
Welp, there has been free information online for decades – has it gotten you in shape yet? Maybe there’s a point to investing in yourself!
Many people – myself included – will gladly pay for somebody to cut through all of the noise and bad information to deliver ONLY the right information that they need to read or hear.
Your money, your time, and your effort are all limited resources: how you choose to spend each of them tells me a lot about your priorities.
Personally, I gladly pay hundreds of dollars every month for my own online fitness coach, and have done so since 2014.
Many probably think I’m crazy and that this is a waste of money (“just do your own workouts!”), but I feel that it’s the best money I spend every month, and it’s why I’ve prioritized it over other expenses.
I’m not just paying for a workout plan in an excel document.
I am paying for accountability from somebody who is checking in on me, expertise from a trained professional who can spot my weaknesses, and the knowledge that I’ll actually do the workout because I’m spending my hard-earned money on it.
And it got me the results that had eluded me for a decade.
It’s not what you say is a priority, it’s what you spend your time or money on that’s a priority.
Prioritize your money and time on the best stuff, even at the expense of other creature comforts, and you’re more likely to get in shape because you’ll actually care about it.
Answer these questions:
How much money do you spend on your health?
How much time and effort do you devote to creating your workouts or fine-tuning your nutrition?
Have you ever hired a coach or paid for an online course?
Do you buy apps or software that make your life easier, or do you try to get by with free stuff that you know you won’t actually use?
Sometimes spending money is the best investment you can make in yourself – because you KNOW that the free option is something you won’t stick with!
Start thinking about this from a different perspective:
You’re not buying a fitness course or a trainer or an overpriced salad (that you would never make for yourself anyways).
You’re not just hiring a coach that prescribes you a workout that you could have found for free on the internet.
You’re investing in your future and purchasing accountability and expertise and momentum.
If you are looking for that expert guidance, accountability, and peace of mind that you’re training the right way for your goals, schedule a free consultation with Team NF to learn about our coaching program today!
Remember that Isaac Newton guy?
“An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion, unless acted on by another force.”
This is called “inertia,” and nothing could be more applicable when it comes to your health.
Unhealthy people have a LOT of inertia to overcome when they are trying to build healthy habits and get in shape:
Their body is used to sitting on a couch and eating junk food, which means the habit of exercise is agonizing. They have to convince themselves to get off the couch and go out into the wilderness. Eating vegetables and healthy food sucks compared to their normal comfort food.
But they use max effort to do these things a few times, and momentum starts to shift away from unhealthy and towards healthy.
And that’s when things fall apart.
Their kid gets sick or they work late and they miss a workout. Not the end of the world, right? But then it snows the next day, and one missed workout day becomes two, which becomes a month in the blink of an eye.
And they’re back to square one.
We are going to focus instead on cultivating and protecting momentum.
Perpetual health doesn’t happen in days, or with a few decisions. It takes months (or more likely, years) of consistent effort.
And shit happens.
Travel. Vacation. Kids. Work. Life.
It’s more than just “missing a workout.” It’s killing your momentum, and momentum is crucial to long term health.
So they focus on doing whatever they can to build momentum quickly and maintain it.
Momentum is crucial to being perpetually healthy, so protect it with your life.
So, focus on momentum until their default behavior is healthy and they can go on autopilot:
Which means you should be following my favorite rule: never miss two in a row.
Two missed workouts quickly becomes 30 in the blink of an eye. Two bad meals quickly becomes a week of pizza and Chinese food.
So “never two in a row!” – never eat two bad meals in a row, never miss a workout two days in a row.
If you miss a workout, that next day is suddenly the most important workout of your life. Do whatever you need to do to get to the gym!
If you eat a bad meal, that’s fine! Enjoy it. But that next meal is suddenly the most important meal of your life! Do whatever you need to do to eat a dang vegetable!
I want to share an important quote from the late, great physicist Richard Feynman:
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself – and you are the easiest person to fool.”
Unhealthy people might be aware of their Kryptonite, but they just hope and pray they have enough willpower to overcome it every day.
They eat a single Oreo, and then spend an hour thinking about cookies until they go eat a whole sleeve of Oreo cookies and then berate themselves for not having more willpower to avoid the temptation.
The truth is that we are all flawed superheroes.
Unhealthy people try to fix their flaws through sheer willpower and then feel deep shame when they can’t stop their behavior.
Permanently healthy people recognize their Kryptonite, and have a plan to avoid or protect against it:
If they know grains make them unhappy and bloated, they follow a Paleo diet and remove those foods completely so there’s no attempt to only eat half a serving of something.
If they know they struggle with portion control, then maybe they try skipping a meal with Intermittent Fasting.
They also ask the questions that get to the heart of their Kryptonite with regards to weight gain:
They KNOW these things about themselves, and they know unhealthy food has been designed to be addictive.
So they plan for it!
Know thyself, my dear friend, and know what your triggers are.
We’re all flawed; plan for your flaws instead of trying to fight them. These triggers can be environmental or situational or emotional. Know it will happen, and build a Kryptonite-proof plan so you don’t have to worry about avoiding it.
Stop relying on motivation and willpower to tackle your Kryptonite.
Add accountability, punishments, and rewards into your life to stay on track and avoid your Kryptonite:
You don’t need to be flawless. You don’t need a perfect plan. What you do need is to have an honest conversation with yourself about things you need to avoid while you’re trying to make healthier choices.
That might be certain restaurants, certain aisles of the supermarket, or even certain people….
You are the average of the 5 people you associate most with.
Are they banana peels?
Or are they Lakitus?
Banana peels need no introduction: drive over one in Mario Kart and they’ll ruin a perfectly good race by crushing all of your momentum.
Compare that to Lakitu. If you’re not familiar, he’s the little guy on the cloud in Mario Kart that picks you up when you fall off the track and puts you back on course.
Unhealthy people get spun out all the time by the banana peels in their lives:
Questions and comments like these subtly influence our behavior every day. Which is how you end up looking like and acting like the 5 people you associate most with.
Compare this to Lakitus: the people who want you to succeed, who hold you accountable and make you want to be better.
I recently asked our private men’s community from the Nerd Fitness Academy what the group meant to them.
This response jumped out at me:
You need to be surrounded by people that pick you up, not slow you down.
Healthy people know this, and they make the hard decisions about who is worthy of their time and attention.
They often fire their unhealthy friends and family – even if only temporarily – because they can’t be around negative influence as they’re trying to build momentum.
I’ve heard of tons of stories where unhealthy relationships have ended because a newly healthy individual was dating an unhealthy person who didn’t want them to be healthy and was actively sabotaging them.
Why does this happen? Because it’s often easier to drag other people down than it is to look honestly in the mirror and address one’s shortcomings or unhealthy.
If you are trying to get healthy, minimize your time around banana peels and MAXIMIZE your time with Lakitus.
You are influenced dramatically by the people around you whether you realize it or not. How are these people influencing you?
Take exercise:
Mental health:
Decide who is worthy of your attention, and work on putting yourself in situations with people who make you want to be better.
This might mean a serious conversation with your significant other that “likes you more full-figured” if your goal is to be healthier and happier.
Or diving deep into deflection strategies if you have to constantly deal with unhealthy family members you can’t fire.
If they are worth your time, they will change their tune to be more supportive and helpful and less of an anchor.
And then start spending time around people who are stronger, healthier, happier, and more successful than you. And do what they do.
Phew! Okay, let’s see how many of these you can actually check off:
Give yourself a score, and let me know which ones are the toughest for you to follow through on.
If you checked 6 or fewer boxes, pick ONE of the habits and work on it for the next month. Internalize it. Make it part of your new identity. And then move onto the next one.
You’re overcoming inertia and building momentum!
And NEVER underestimate momentum. Once you build it, it can be hard to stop!
We have three great ways to start the ball rolling, right here in our own community. Pick the path that best aligns with your goals:
#1) Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program: a coaching program for busy people to help them make better food choices, stay accountable, and get healthier, permanently.
You can schedule a free call with our team so we can get to know you and see if our coaching program is right for you.
#2) The Nerd Fitness Academy – This self-paced online course has helped 50,000 people get results permanently.
There’s a 10-level nutrition system, boss battles, 20+ workouts, and the most supportive community in the galaxy!
#3) Join The Rebellion! We have a free email newsletter that we send out twice per week, full of tips and tricks to help you get healthy, get strong, and have fun doing so.
I’ll also send you tons of free guides that you can use to start leveling up your life too:
Alright, now it’s your turn:
Agree with my 10 traits? Disagree?
Did I leave one off?
Leave that in the comments too!
PS: Make sure you check out the rest of our Sustainable Weight Loss Content:
Gif source: Baby Groot, Groot, Busy Cat, Scrubs, Sesame Street, Confused Dog, Old School Driving, Sad Spider-Man
photo credit: Reiterlied Rex across the fields, Meeting Star Lord and Baby Groot, benjaminreay Big question mark, Mark Bonica Paleo Diet – Day 14, clement127 Chicken factory, post-apocalyptic research institute 3mm model, sualk61 Hamster wheel, evoo73 balance, hjl Kryptonite on Blue, Reiterlied Biking on the Lake
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