Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Dining Out With A Baby

^^Sweet brother love.

How was your weekend? I really do love hearing about how you guys spend your time, from cleaning out closets to traveling to far away places!

Weekend Dinners

We usually have one weekend night where we get cozy, cook a nice dinner, and watch Netflix once the kids are asleep and one weekend night where we go out on the town and don’t think about doing any dishes. Sometimes we crave cozy on Fridays and sometimes it’s the reverse. This week we went out on Friday and had dinner in yoga pants on Saturday.

Friday Date Night With Birch

Friday night Mazen had a sleepover with one of his BFFs so it was just the three of us out to dinner. We went to Petit Pois on the downtown mall.

Dining out with a baby is so great this time of year since we can sit outside. Come winter, our choices will be much more limited. I don’t take a baby into quiet restaurants. Birch does well at outdoor spots, and we feed him little nibbles of whatever we’re eating and bring out some toys to help entertain him. Knock on wood, so far he hasn’t been too loud or upset in a restaurant. (I know that will likely change as soon as he can get down and walk!)

I had a really delicious Chardonnay –

And this cod with crispy spinach, potatoes and a garlic-butter sauce was divine. I ate it all!

Stole a few of Thomas’s frites as well – so thin and crispy!

We had ice cream from Splendora’s and walked our way home. Once Birch was in bed, we put on Stranger Things and fell asleep before the episode was over!

Saturday Sips

I set my alarm to get to ACAC class by 8:00 on time. ‘Twas a good one! I had lots of energy. Back at home I made a couple of smoothies with berries, oats, milk, vanilla protein, and banana.

Soccer Star

Mid day we took Mazen to his soccer game. He did so well! Scored a nice goal. The weather looks nice, but it was SO HOT. We are melting away in this second summer.

Birch did really well during the game. I always have anxiety about bringing him out that he will flip out and cry, but he is such a laid back boy.

Plus he had his cousin to help entertain him! We brought Nash along to help cheer on Mazen!

Late Lunch

Home again, I had a late lunch of a turkey and cheese sandwich.

Snowstorm Date

M and I took an impromptu trip up to Kohr Bros to share an Oreo snowstorm! I take 1/4 off the top in a separate cup and he gets the rest.

Second Shower

I took a second shower (after all that soccer sweating) and put on my yoga pants for our Saturday night in.

On The Menu: Linguini with Clams!

First course: salad. I decided I don’t really like dinners that have two plates. My brain doesn’t like switching. So we pretended we were at a restaurant and had our salad course first. Worked out nicely!

I had a can of clams come in the mail (seriously, PR companies send me the strangest things!) and so we put it to good use in a yummy pasta dish. Garlic, butter, anchovies, white wine, clam juice, parsley.

We watched more Stranger Things at bedtime. I have to say I’m not loving it this season. I can’t put my finger on why – it just feels a little too cheesy or something.

Sunday Snuggles

Followed by…. Sunday Biscuits!

Thomas popped over to JM Stock and brought home the most delicious ham biscuits. They had spicy Tasso ham inside – and he added egg on top. These are the best biscuits EVER!

We spent our Sunday like so followed by a visit to the soccer field!

The post Dining Out With A Baby appeared first on Kath Eats Real Food.

from Verdure
