Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Family Dinners
dc running best sunrise spot

It has been such a gorgeous, much cooler week – had to take advantage with a run date, of course!

dc running best sunrise spot

My buddy Sokphal and I met up early on Tuesday morning for some casual miles. We had the monuments to ourselves – guess all the tourists have gone home!

3 miles, check! That’s about all I want to do on weekday mornings… anything more just leaves me too tired to wrangle Riese all day. ;)

My other fitness this week was 2 yoga classes, which felt nice, especially since I didn’t get in any yoga last week because I was in California!

Speaking of Riese, a fun development this week is that we’ve been having family dinners! 

Normally Riese eats around 5:30 or 6 and then we eat after she goes to bed, but her bedtime has been creeping back (it’s now around 7:30) and she has been going down for her nap later and sleeping a little later in the afternoon, too, so we decided to experiment with pushing her dinner back a bit. 

To make this happen, Matt has made a big effort to leave work earlier and get home by no later than 6. Right when he gets home one of us will make dinner while the other hangs out with Riese, and then we all eat together by 6:30. It is such a treat to eat together – and nice to be done with dinner and everything by the time she goes to bed! (And nice to not have to figure out what to feed Riese for dinner separately/by myself…)

Our nanny has been out of town this week so it was especially helpful for me to have her post-bedtime time to get work done. 

Here’s one of our family dinners from the week – a yummy Mexican bowl of sorts. 

It was a Blue Apron meal, and so was this salmon dish, which had barley, cucumbers, a lemony yogurt, etc. I have a hard time cooking salmon on the stovetop – it always seems to come out tough – should have stuck with my tried and true Easiest Baked Salmon recipe

We also threw together a simple pasta, veggie, and meatballs dinner one night – always an easy go-to option!

This was Riese’s favorite meal of the week. :)

For “dessert”, we shared an orange juice popsicle, which is literally just orange juice poured into a popsicle mold. This was Matt’s idea and it’s brilliant! Super delicious, too.

Next I want to try to make a creamsicle version with some plain yogurt mixed in… mmmm. 

orange juice popsicle

I will leave you with a picture of our dishwasher buddy – she loves the gloves and “helping” us. ;)

Have a great Labor Day weekend, my friends! If you want some grilling recipe ideas, check out these blog posts: Healthy Labor Day Recipes or Healthy Grilling Dinner Recipes

Matt, Riese, and I are off on an adventure today for Labor Day weekend – you can see what I’m up to on Instagram stories… and I’ll be back next week with a recap! Not sure if I’m going to post on Monday or not… we will see how the weekend goes. :) 

from Verdure
