Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Shake It Off

Hi there!! I spent all day yesterday feeling like it was Saturday. My brain needs one more day of rest apparently! Would you work extra hard and/or long Monday – Thursday for three-day weekends? I really wish that’s how our culture worked. It would be so much more efficient!

Date Night With Mazen

On Friday night I picked up Mazen from the camp bus and took him on a special date. He left Saturday morning for a 10-day trip, and I wanted to fit in lots of extra time together. His first six days will be in the Adirondacks with Karen doing a grandparent camp through Road Scholar. They’ll be hiking and canoeing and mess hall-ing and smores-ing for the week. I hope I can do something like that with my grandchildren some day. Heck, I think it sounds like a great parent experience too! So long as its glamping and not rustic tent living without bathrooms – haha!

We went to Zinburger for dinner. I had a ahi tuna salad and M had a grilled cheese. And then we each got a milkshake! Chocolate fo him, birthday cake for me.

Morning PT with Gus!

Saturday Farewell

We made Mazen a special french toast breakfast and said our goodbyes.

Bye bye big brother!

Recipe Development

I spent some time on Sat AM making a recipe for Quaker. Coming soon! We all enjoyed the final product for morning snack.

Stroller Walk + Shower + Salad + Nap

Next up I took B on a walk, then took a shower, then had the leftover portion of this big Chopt salad for lunch. We all took naps in the afternoon – it was lovely!

Date Night With My Other Boys

Thomas, Birch and I went out again on Saturday night. We walked downtown (it was juuuuust barely cool enough to walk) and found some patio shade at Zocalo. I was craving their salmon with the goat cheese couscous!

Warm Bacon + Spinach Salad (plus we had gazpacho on the house!)

Thomas’s Ahi Tuna

Salmon + Side of Asparagus

Late Night

After we walked home and put Birch to bed, I went over to our friends’ house for a little party. Remember Tucker the puppy?! He’s a big boy now!

Sunday Breakfast + Run

I was in bed by 11:30 and up at 6:30 with Birch. I had a little yogurt parfait for breakfast (you’ll be seeing this soon!!) and then headed out on a ~3 mile greenway run with an Aaptiv coach. I 100% run harder when I put on Aaptiv compared to when I just put on music or a podcast. I love having a trainer push me!

Gal Time

On Sunday afternoon some girlfriends came over for some wine sippin’ and front porch rockin’. ‘Tis the good life.

The post Shake It Off appeared first on Kath Eats Real Food.

from Verdure
