Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Reading To Relax

I absolutely love to settle in with a good book. A good digital book on my Kindle that is! I am OBsessed with my Kindle. In fact, when I just look at it I feel myself chill out a little. (I have the new version of the Paperwhite that is waterproof, FYI!) I love that I don’t have to hold the spine or turn the pages with any more effort than a tiny tap – especially if you turn the case sideways and make a little stand like this!

I know there are those of you who LOVE the smell and feel of a real book.

I get that. You are probably the same folks who use a paper planner! I wish I could use paper planners, but I can’t handle making any changes once they are written down, so as a perfectionist, the edit-ability of digital is where it’s at :mrgreen:

Reading is my form of meditation

Reading is one of the few ways I can get my brain to totally shut off its thoughts about to-do lists and life happenings and escape to another world. Since I use reading as an escape, I prefer to ingest nonfiction information in the form of a podcast or documentary. Thus, I mostly read fiction books.

Times when I read

  1. In bed every night, as the last thing I do (literally), and sometimes I only make it 2 minutes
  2. Occasionally on the weekends, say a rainy day when we have no plans and the kids are napping/playing nicely with friends
  3. On vacation, mostly if I’m kid free 🙂
Sadly, reading is pretty low on my totem pole of priorities. I am working to change that!

Our Evenings

While I could definitely read a page here and there during the day, say, instead of scrolling through Instagram when I have five minutes or playing Toon Blast while nursing, I find it hard to read in such small increments. So ideally I’d find some time in the evenings to read more.

Generally evenings go like this:

5-6 Before dinner chaos, packing lunches, throw in a load of laundry, Mazen shower, make dinner

6-6:30 Family Dinner

6:30-7 Birch bath, dinner clean up, keep Mazen happy

7-7:30 Put Birch to bed (nursing, stories, snuggles)

7:30-8 Usher Mazen towards bed (read stories)

8 Kids usually quiet in rooms

8-9 Watch a show, eat dessert (!), fold laundry

9-9:30 Get ready for bed, tidy up, face routine, talk about our days

9:30... Read

Finding An Extra Hour To Read

See that “Watch A Show” line? We watch a show maybe 4/7 nights of the week. Sometimes more, sometimes a little less. But what I’ve noticed is that if we skip the show, the evening is SO much more relaxing. We mosey upstairs. I might do a face mask. And reading starts a LOT earlier. I read so much more when we don’t watch TV because I’m not so tired when I get in bed. (I also eat less dessert – ha!)

It seems like a no brainer to give up that evening show. I DO enjoying snuggling together on the couch and having a plot to discuss. We have watched some really good shows! But it does seem like the show takes away more than it gives. I can’t decide if it’s worth it to read more to “miss out on some American culture.” (“I wish I read less” – said no one ever. I think that’s my answer.)

Another idea I had: save the shows for the weekends when we stay up a little later and read during the week. Just like I’m saving alcohol for the weekends, the M-Th show-free routine is a great way to split the days.

I’m curious what you guys do, those of you who have partners and those who don’t. How do you spend your evenings?

The post Reading To Relax appeared first on Kath Eats Real Food.

from Verdure
