Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

Seed Cycling Recipes – Cookies, Muffins & More!

As you probably know by now, I’m a little nuts when it comes to health, nutrition, and hormones, including everything from seed cycling to celery juice. I’ll try just about anything once if helps improve my overall wellness. I mean, how else are you going to figure out what works for YOU?

I’ve experienced a number of hormonal challenges over the years. Ughhhh. After Quinn was born, I played the oral contraceptive “game” in an attempt to find one that didn’t cause breakthrough bleeding, give me acne, and didn’t make me crazy. Eventually, I had enough of the the hormonal rollercoaster and quit the pill all together. I tried seed cycling in an attempt to rebalance my hormones. You can read more about my experience and the protocol that I followed. You’ll find variations of the seed cycling protocol all over Internet, but I really the once mentioned in my post. In the end, seed cycling worked for me until… it didn’t. It wasn’t a “cure” for all of my symptoms, but I definitely saw improvement over several months of sticking to the protocol.

I personally didn’t find it all that difficult to incorporate each of the various seeds into my diet, but I know it can be a challenge from month-to-month. I did lots of recipe testing during this time, so I didn’t get bored of eating flax, hemp, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds over and over again. My favorite creations were seed cycling cookies, seed cycling muffins, and seed cycling protein balls among other delicious treats. I thought it’d be helpful to share a round-up of the seed cycling recipes I created – and enjoyed very much! Plus, I included a few favorites from around the web that you might like too!

5-Ingredient Gluten-Free Cranberry Sunflower Seed Cookies

All the Seeds Protein Balls

Powerseed Protein Overnight Oats Recipe

3-Ingredient Tahini Protein Balls

Banana Flax Protein Breakfast Cookies

Hemp Flaxseed Muffins

Dark Chocolate Bark Thins

Sweet Tahini Dip

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