Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

FREE 7-Day Sugar-Free Meal Plan

Happy New Year, friends!

If you fully enjoyed the holiday season (like I did), you might feel like you need a vacation from sugar. Oy. Sure, it was a fun few weeks, but now it’s time to get it together! If you’re looking for a bit of a reset, here’s a simple, delicious meal plan with zero added sugars!

This Sugar-Free Meal Plan is designed to help people kick their sugar habit without feeling deprived. It’s free from all added sugars, including natural sweeteners like maple syrup and honey.

The meals are packed with vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, making it the perfect 7-day detox for anyone new to sugar-free living.

Just sign up below to get your copy!


P.S. This post might be of interest: How I Beat My Sugar Addiction.

from Verdure
