There are all sorts of fallacies out there surrounding health and fitness. Every day someone is promising some new miracle cure for people who want to lose weight or improve their physical fitness. Some of these miracle cures are touted by highly reputable sources, only to be debunked a month or two later. This makes it really hard to figure out what is real and what is fake which is why we decided to write this article. Here are three health and fitness myths and the real truth you should know.

The crust of the bread is where all of the vitamins are so you shouldn't cut it off. While a German study conducted in 2002 proved that the baking process produces cancer-fighting anti-oxidants in the crust of bread, what matters more than anything else is that you eat whole wheat bread. The crust of white bread might be eight times healthier than the body of the bread but that crust is still less healthy than one slice of natural whole grain bread. Whole grains are the key to health, so don't think that you can save yourself while also saving money and getting the cheap non-healthy bread.
Going outside with wet hair increases your chances of catching a cold. How often have you heard that old wives tale? The truth is that feeling cold or being wet does not actively affect your immune system. There have been intensive studies done about this in which people who were inoculated with the common cold were just as likely to get sick while staying warm and dry as those who were wet and cold. The reason that people think wet hair helps you catch a cold is that it makes your body feel colder temperature wise, not that it makes you feel sick.
One of the first things you probably think of when you first get sick is it feed a cold and starve a fever or is it the other way around??? The truth is that it is neither of those things because feeding and starving colds and fevers do nothing to help them heal quicker. Whether you have the flu or a fever, you need to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy and balanced diet. It's nice to choose foods that are easier on your system, but as long as they are healthy and good for you, there is no real plan.
Figuring out what is real and true in the world of health; wellness and fitness can often be quite difficult. This is mostly because every day a new myth or fad pops up and the people who invented it do quite a lot of work to convince the public that it is real and legitimate. We've debunked some basic myths in this article and if you keep doing your research you'll turn up plenty of others.
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