People who make their own juices from vegetables and fruits enjoy different kinds of health benefits. One way of looking at this is to imagine that you can combine many different kinds of vegetables in a juice drink. And the thing is that very few people would eat the whole foods in that way. So there is a creative aspect to juicing but it's based on solid information. You can mix different ingredients to achieve very specific effects and many people do that.

Sometimes it's advisable to consult with your doctor before you begin juicing with anything. These are the folks who have serious, existing medical conditions. Some examples of medical issues include high cholesterol, diabetes, or high blood pressure. People who are severely obese should also talk to their doctor, as well. With fruits, it's possible to easily get much more sugar than you'd think. And in this case, we're talking about fructose which is the primary sugar carbohydrate in fruits. This can cause a serious spike in blood sugar and has to be taken into account. Your doctor may suggest you dilute the juice with water to reduce the sugar levels.
If you start juicing with vegetables that have dark green leaves, you may find it to taste bitter. This is normal and hardcore folks will just overlook it and drink it up. What others do is include some lemon or lime to the mix, and this will help reduce the bitter taste. Another plus for lemons and limes is they are devoid of fructose which is the sugar in fruits. So this would be all right, presumably, for people will medical conditions. Along with the benefit of smoothing the taste, you'll get the nutritional value of the lemons and limes. They do have value in that sense, plus they have alternative medicine value. They're used in a variety of ways and it's just a healthy thing to eat.
Experienced juicers (the people) will recommend you avoid certain foods when you are new to drinking juice from veggies. It is known that some vegetables can produce stomach discomfort. And this is probably because of the concentration of nutrients in the juice. So for beginners to juicing, you can juice with cucumbers and celery at first. Then add a little bit of lemon or lime as it suits your taste. These are two fruits that are often used to make come vegetables more palatable. They're good for you and won't cause a problem, and they'll add a nice taste dimension that you'll probably find agreeable. All you can do is experiment and that's half the fun of juicing, anyway.
Most people would never call cooking and eating vegetables fun. But juicers will easily and quickly call juicing fun for certain reasons. That may sound unusual to you, and probably because you are not a person who uses juicing in your diet. This is a powerful way to add a new dimension in your daily diet.
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