There are so many other ways that you can care for your skin. You may spend lots of money on Dermatologists and expensive products. You might have seen plenty of commercials as well as ads that swear you will need whatever expensive product the actual ad is promoting. The fact is, however, that you do not need any kind of that. To practice proper natural skin care you need only a few ingredients that you may already keep in your house. Here are some easy and natural and healthy skin care product recipes that you can create at home.

This is for body wash. Zest about a fourth cup of lemon peel and add this to a half cup of brown or white sugar. From here add a cup of olive oil or grape seeds oil. Mix it up with a beater or with your hand till the sugar is completely and fully saturated. Let the mix sit for about a half an hour and then determine if the oil and the sugar have started to separate. You need to wait until you have about a one half inch of oil sitting on top of the sugar. If you don't have enough, add some more oil, remix and then simply wait again. When you have enough, use the scrub. Rub the scrub in a circular motion through your whole body and then rise with lukewarm water.
You should not forget about your body. After all skincare doesn't only happen to your face. For a natural entire body scrub, combine two and a half cups of white sugar along with a cup of extra virgin olive oil and four tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix it together until it becomes gritty paste. Rub it in a circular motion to the skin the same way you would do with any other body scrub then rise off with warm water. You can keep this mixture for about two months in a jar using an air tight lid. If you would like it to keep longer than that, add some vitamin E or sea salt. You don't need to refrigerate this.
Blend together a single mango, a half cup of sugar, a tablespoon honey and two tablespoons whole milk. Stand in the bathtub and massage this mix into your skin all over your body. The mango is great for conditioning and smoothing your skin. After you have massaged the mixture into your skin everywhere the same way you would with any other body scrub, rinse it away with lukewarm water. After that rinse your body off using cool water to seal off the moisture.
There are a lot of excellent ways to practice skin care without dropping a bunch of money on high priced products or treatments. We have shared a few recipes for that in this article. A quick internet search will probably turn up plenty of others.
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