Interview with Congruity CEO Justin Davis

How Your Finger Decides Your Identity (And Your Health Threats)

You can tell a lot about a person by simply looking at the shape of their fingertips, did you know that? It may sound a little bit silly and even stupid, however, you’d be surprised at exactly how accurate it can be. Just look into the picture and then look at your own fingers, are you type A, B or C? Select your finger shape and also read on if you want to find out. |You might also check your friends’ shape at the same time and find out a bit more about their individuality. Tell us if you agree with the actual description, mine was just right!

Type A

- You're not very open and you don’t talk about your feelings easily. You always make an effort to present yourself much stronger and much more independent than you really are
- You are an emotional individual and once you feel connected to a person you can be super fine.
- You despise lies, hypocrisy, and dishonesty because it will go against your beliefs.
- You are reserved when it comes to displaying emotions and want to appear great and strong.
- You might be known to be a bit eccentric as well as arrogant. You aren’t really tolerant.
- You have a huge heart, and you like to support others. You will finish each and every task you are given even though you don’t like it.
- You like having a good laugh nd will laugh at anything and everything if you are amused, even if it is not so funny. Your movement reveals all of your thoughts.
- You are generally cold with normal folks you’re not really close to, yet can even be overly emotional for your friends and family.

Type B

- You don’t like to become the first one to approach someone or even take actions.
- You happen to be very loyal and committed. If you start falling deeply in love with someone, you will give them your own full attention and will constantly think about them.
- Deeply down inside you have a quite sensitive soul, although it might not look like that at times. Usually, people get the wrong thought about you because you are wanting to not know anything to be able to protect someone’s feelings.
- You are very committed, as soon as you set your mind on a thing, you’ll do your best to complete it until the end.
- You’re scared of getting injured. You want people to think that you actually don’t need anyone, but the truth is a dream of finding your real man or woman.
- You will stay quiet even when you are feeling very uncomfortable about something.

Type C

- You simply forget things that make you aggrieved, and you don’t hold a grudge.
- You don’t just like unfamiliar territories. It disturbs you when you have to deal with something new and unknown.
- You are respectful towards different people’s opinions.
- You could sometimes come off bossy because your own ego is extremely high if arguing with other people. However, you’ll be the first to be able to apologize afterward.
-You aren't very open regarding your issues and feelings, you always keep these things to yourself.
- You happen to be very straightforward and you determine what you like and dislike. In addition, you like people to be able to believe in you and depend on you actually.
